Player unknown battlegrounds pc controls not saving steam
Player unknown battlegrounds pc controls not saving steam

One last night was so blatantly obvious he shot me from over 100m away through a tree, rapid firing an m14 without ads'ing and had no scope attachment.


i've been playing a lot on PC the past week or 2 and every game it seems like i notice on cheater. There's definitely a wide variety of cheats in play at the moment. I'm waiting for a talented developer to come along and make a better battle royale game so that I can actually play something that runs, looks, sounds, and feels like it's made by a developer swimming in the kind of money that Butthole games is. The actual technical competency of this game is almost bottom of the barrel. Seriously though, Butthole games isn't exactly a proven developer, and this game is popular because of it's concept and timing in the market. I think Player Unknown has also confirmed that the vast majority of cheaters are from China, so the amount of cheating is certainly disproportionate to what proportion of the player base Chinese players make up. Obviously hacking is the best way to win games and get boxes. When you consider what kind of money the lower and middle classes in China would make from actually working.well this starts to make a lot of sense. The marketplace for items in this game is so out of hand that Chinese players can actually make a living just playing this game all day it just comes down to winning games and racking up points for boxes. Something like 60% of PUBG's players are Chinese (which explains why you see such a gulf between current and peak player counts for this game vs. The cheater issue isn't shocking to be honest.

player unknown battlegrounds pc controls not saving steam

I just hope the conversation stays strong on "Screw hackers for ruining the game," and doesn't turn into "Because it's PUBG, the cheating is very interesting." Imagine if video game pundits suddenly start saying, "I finally ate my first pumpkin last night in Battlegrounds." At least give hackers a special win quote: cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater. I personally don't condone that stuff and would hope that in the long run Bluehole puts their money (however many millions the game made) where their mouths are and find a solution. And because it's so popular they're probably extra stoked to get called on it in video clips and stream archives. That way they're more likely to be fighting all the players on a server and not simply the dozen or so you might engage with in a solo run. It was only a matter of time before some people just don't get the kind of rush from standard tactics and resort to fighting the entire game on a coding level just to win and ruin things for everyone. It's encouraging players to essentially troll the hell out of each other to maximize their chances of winning in this MMO death match. Hiding in a house hoping to ambush a looter, camping an air drop for some easy kills, sniping people who have no scope to fight back with.

player unknown battlegrounds pc controls not saving steam player unknown battlegrounds pc controls not saving steam

Some people play this game to feel the sensation of really fucking up someone's shit amidst the chaos and screwing them over in sneaky ways that are undeniably euphoric.

player unknown battlegrounds pc controls not saving steam

I realize this is an unpopular stance to take but these are the type of games that sort of thrive on negativity. That this is becoming a trend doesn't surprise me to be honest. hopes of making this a worthwhile competitive or Esports ready game.įor all intents and purposes this game is still early access and will likely be this way in the foreseeable future. These things combined with cheating at higher rank play could also kill upper level play which puts a damper on PUBG Corps. Combine the lag with what mentioned about low ping players having an advantage and I can't see this game holding things together without substantial immediate fixes. In my experience it's the terrible lag during early access and then the rubber banding at 1.0 that pushed me away twice now. The reticle literally never once bounced up, something that is impossible for the smg with the most recoil. The most egregious was the person who killed me with a tommy gun from over 100m with 100% accuracy without a vertical foregrip while I was running left to right. I'm not ranked very high, but there were a few times that I played since 1.0 that I reported because of weird circumstances when I watched my killcam.

Player unknown battlegrounds pc controls not saving steam